September 21, 2020
Certified Fitness Trainer Explains | 4 Exercises that are Good for your health

Squats and Lunges:
Exercises that work bigger muscles burn big calories. If you are going to dedicate time to focus on your health you might as well make the most out of that time. Squats and Lunges mostly work on your glutes and quads, but they also help with strengthening your core when done properly.
This exercise is an exercise that works multiple muscles at once. Chest, triceps, shoulders, quads, and core! The more muscles you can use simultaneously, the stronger you can get and the more calories burned. If you can't do a regular push up, you can always start on your knees or at an incline on the bench and then progress from there.
Walk/Run Stairs:
Another exercise that uses big muscles to burn big calories, Stair climbing uses major lower-body muscles. This can be a great cardio workout with the benefit of actually building muscle in your glutes and quads. There too many cardio workouts that actually focus on building muscle like the stairs
Planks are one of the best ways to strengthen your core while using other muscles to help increase calorie burning. Your core is the foundation of your fitness. Planking can also use quads, shoulders, and glutes at the same time which helps you burn more calories in a short amount of time. You can always start modified then work your way to a full plank.
These are exercises that I would recommend to help you increase metabolism, strengthen important muscles, and get you in better health. Please follow us @elevatefitnessnow for more health tips to transform you physically, mentally, and emotionally!
Our certified fitness trainers are here to guide you on your path to better health. Ready to embark on a transformative journey? Sign up for a FREE online consultation or call us today at (214) 302-9788, and let's kickstart your fitness transformation with Elevate Fitness Now in Dallas & Coppell!